a great LOGO should...
My design process ensures we understand your business so that we can tailor designs to meet your unique businesses needs. You'll love knowing you have full control of your project, without having to shoulder the burden of the strategy. I ensures your design will envoke the emotional response you desire to attract the right customers for your business. A good logo has to do more than just look pretty, it has a functional purpose. Your business image depends on a logo design that is distinctive and memorable.

A great logo should:
- Distinguish your company from your competition. Don't try to emulate another company. Be your own brand.

Use meaningful colors:
- Different colors and shades can have different effects on people because of color association.

Use an appropriate font:
- you may generally gravitate to bold, exciting fonts, or curvy fonts but it may not be right for your company.

Be simple:
- Your logo can have some elaborate features but it should be simple enough to make a quick statement.

Be memorable:
- Your logo should make a statement about your company.

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